
Why Does AED Training Matter in Safety and Health?


AED Training Matter in Safety and Health

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) has become a significant public health challenge. Global data show that 55 out of 100,000 people experience OHCA (out-of-hospital cardiac arrest) each year, yet the global OHCA survival discharge rate is as low as 8.8%[1]?. Fortunately, survival rates continue to rise thanks to the increasing availability of AEDs in public places. The Automated External defibrillator (AED) is a portable, life-saving, and easy-to-operate device used to treat SCA patients. This life-saving device resuscitates SCA patients while an ambulance is en route.


Most people understand the value of an AED in first aid. However, operating the device for the first time can be challenging. Time wasted on figuring out how to use the machine can decrease the chances of survival for the patient. Therefore, AED training is critical, especially for new users with no medical background. By providing detailed guidance on how and when to use the device, the likelihood of rescuing an SCA patient if trained is higher.

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The Importance of AED Training

Studies show that among SCA survivors, those treated quickly with an AED have a 93% better chance of not experiencing neurological damage [2]. These statistics support AED training being both essential and meaningful. Professional instruction increases a responder's knowledge of how to operate the device and reassures the responder that they can use the device. The following are the main benefits of AED training.


1. Rapid response to emergencies

The survival rate of cardiac arrests can increase if organizations or communities take preventive measures. AED training is one of those actions to help responders understand the importance of timeliness and how to use defibrillators. The training instructs responders on operating AEDs, following correct procedures to remove pediatric AED pads or adult AED pads, and how to place the pads on the patient’s body. The experience gained from training enables individuals to operate a defibrillator quickly and calmly in the case of an emergency and increases the chance of survival for family, friends, or people around them.

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2. Provide professional help to combat SCA

Additional focus is needed on the accuracy and effectiveness of each first aid step. Focus occurs when being trained and when gaining experience using AEDs. First aid knowledge obtained in AED training allows rescuers to save lives more effectively and confidently. Trained rescuers can save lives in an emergency and treat cardiac arrest through these steps: turn on the AED; quickly paste electrode pads to analyze and start defibrillation; Perform CPR to manually pump blood to the patient after the defibrillation is complete and perform rhythm analysis approximately every 2 minutes or 5 CPR cycles.

3. Better control of the resuscitation process

An essential guideline of defibrillator training is that the first aid process is not only focused on how to save the patient but also on enhancing rescuers’ confidence and control ability. Patients often need multiple shocks and continuous CPR to restore vital signs. Responders need to employ patience and perseverance throughout this process. Regardless of the outcome, rescuers should contact an ambulance immediately and prepare to provide a comprehensive report to the paramedics when they arrive. Above all, AED training gives the responder the confidence and ability to perform defibrillation before the ambulance arrives — this is why AEDs exist.

What Should an AED Training Program Include?

AED training programs help responders to acquire knowledge to use the device correctly in an emergency. Anyone can learn how to operate an AED after a few hours of training. AED training programs should include the following essential points:

1. What is an AED?

An AED is a precise device that analyzes the condition of the heart and allows first responders to determine if they need to administer an electric shock to someone suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. Defibrillation treatment helps to place the heart back into proper rhythm. There is growing recognition that early defibrillation increases the chances of survival for cardiac patients. Statistics show that a patient’s chances of survival decrease by 10% for every minute defibrillation attempts are delayed. [3]

2. What are the components of AEDs?

The automated external defibrillator includes built-in technology that evaluates a patient’s heart rhythm. Some other essential components are:

  • Electrode pads: The defibrillator analyzes the heart rhythm using the electrode pads to collect electrical signals. The defibrillator sends electrical shocks to the patient through the electrode pads.
  • Battery: This is used to provide energy for the AED.
  • Shock button: When clicked, shock treatment is applied to the patient.
  • Display: The display provides operators with guidance and displays ECG waveforms and other important information. AEDs that do not have displays will include the operating instructions on the device as a static picture.
  • Speaker: Some AEDs, such as Mindray’s C-Series AEDs, provide automatic voice instructions for rescuers. Voice instruction makes it easier for responders to continue treatment as every minute counts.
3. How to use AEDs?

Although AEDs may seem complex, their usage is simple. With animated guidance and automatic voice prompts included with Mindray’s AEDs, you can quickly and accurately analyze a patient’s heart condition and take appropriate and professional action.

  • Call an ambulance and confirm the patient’s vital signs.
  • Perform CPR, turn on the AED, and place electrode pads when the patient is unconscious, like they cannot breathe or have no pulse.
  • Wait for automatic analysis of the heart condition, avoid physical contact with the patient to avoid the accuracy of the analysis, and tell others around to stay away.
  • If the AED indicates a need for defibrillation after analysis, press the shock button as instructed.
  • After completing shock treatment according to the AED instructions, continue performing CPR and consider performing another heart rate analysis and defibrillation if the patient’s condition does not improve.

4. Where to find AEDs?

Considering AED use plays an essential role in saving lives, defibrillators should be placed where they can be seen easily, such as in community centers, gyms, post offices, etc. The proper placement allows responders to find the AED quickly in an emergency. In addition, AEDs should also be located in easy-to-reach places. It is essential to emphasize the placement of AEDs in AED training.

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Mindray’s AED

Timely use of AEDs is one of the necessary actions to save people’s lives. AED training is becoming essential for those who lack expertise in their use. Organizations should focus on providing AED training and distributing AEDs throughout companies, clubs, schools, and local communities.Mindray’s AEDs are good support for both first-time and experienced rescuers. They help effectively increase the success rate of rescue by helping responders perform proper cardiac arrest treatment. Mindray has made great efforts to promote new technologies and provide the highest quality AEDs throughout the years, and make AED products available in more and more countries and regions.


[1] The global survival rate among adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Available at: https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-020-2773-2#Fig1 (Accessed: 7 June 2022)

[2] Automatic external defibrillators save lives in amateur sports and fitness centers. Available at:?https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170827101747.htm (Accessed: 7 June 2022)

[3] About AEDs from Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association. Available at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170827101747.htm (Accessed: 7 June 2022)https://associationdatabase.com/aws/SCAA/pt/sd/news_article/43774/_PARENT/layout_details/false (Accessed: 10 May 2022)