
ChemTalk Episode

How BS-600M Empowers Your Lab with Accurate Chemistry Tests

ChemTalk Webinar Ep4

Aug 24th 20:00 - 21:30 (UTC+8) | 14:00 - 15:30 (CET)

2022/08/24 16:00
00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes

Dear valued customers,

We sincerely invite you to ChemTalk Webinar Ep4 on Aug 24th, 20:00-21:30 (UTC+8), 14:00-15:30 (CET), where we will go live and share with you how Mindray’s new BS-600M Chemistry Analyzer can empower your lab with accurate testing.

Mindray launched the Powerful yet Efficient BS-600M Chemistry Analyzer in May 2022. In addition to its powerful functions and high efficiency, BS-600M also delivers accurate and reliable test results. Join us in the webinar and interact with leading experts to find out how!


Once you’ve registered successfully, we will send an email to you as a reminder one day before the event starts. See you online on Aug 24th

Topics & Speakers


About BS-600M

  • Need a powerful, reliable and cost-effective auto chemistry analyzer to grow your lab? Meet Mindray’s game-changing BS-600M which has highest throughput per square meter among its kind, whole blood HbA1c, sample auto loading, and high sigma metric performance, empowering your lab with efficiency, accuracy and at minimum costs!
