
Ultrasound System


Quality Exams at Your Fingertips



X-Insight is an insightful solution to envision more.

Mindray’s brand-new solution is an excellent transforming of continuous customer insights into clinical needs, combined with evolving cutting-edge ultrasound technologies.

As an intimate partner, DC-70 with X-Insight focuses on what matters to you, helping you manage your daily clinical practice with ease and certainty.

Based on deep insights into customer needs, the DC-70 with X-Insight is designed to deliver high efficiency with precision imaging, which is empowered by eXpress Clarity and eXceptional Intelligence, and benefits from eXceeding Experience.

eXpress Clarity More clarity at hand

  • X-Engine

    The new X-Engine integrated with both GPU and CPU enables multi-core parallel processing for fast imaging. With the advanced imaging engine, the imaging processing speed is accelerated three or four times faster than traditional processing, resulting in extremely fast imaging for 3D/4D and other applications.

  • Complete Elastography Solution

    It delivers a complete elastography solution with best in class shear wave and strain technology. Sound Touch Elastography (STE*) with reliability map allows clinicians to get real-time 2D elastography and Young’s modulus quantification for liver, breast, thyroid and MSK with high accuracy and reproducibility. Sound Touch Quantification (STQ*) with unique “E Avg” also enables real time and easy tissue stiffness quantification for hepatic fibrosis assessment with high reliability and stability. Natural Touch Elastography with a unique shell for tumor infiltration analysis provides high stiffness sensitivity in applications such as thyroid, breast, and GYN.

  • Single crystal transducers with 3T technology

    Combining with Mindray unique 3T technology (Triple-matching layers, Total-cut design, Thermal control), the brand-new single crystal volume, convex and phased array transducers provide a wider bandwidth to simultaneously offer better penetration and higher resolution, resulting in an optimum scanning solution in OB/GYN, ABD, Cardiology, and more.

  • ComboWave transducers

    Compared with traditional transducers, ComboWave transducers utilize a new type of composite piezoelectric material to dramatically optimize the acoustic spectrum and reduce acoustic impedance. Further integrated with Mindray unique 3T technology, the ComboWave linear transducers allow you to experience outstanding performance with extreme image resolution and uniformity in thyroid, breast, vascular, and more.

eXceptional Smartness

 Smartness throughout entire workflow


Comparing with the traditional IMT measurement, RF-data IMT is a more accurate method to detect even minimal changes, it's less dependent on image quality and real time with quantification of 6 heart cycles.



Using iCompare for clinical follow-up is fast and convenient as it allows comparison of real-time ultrasound imaging to past DICOM/CT/MRI/Mammography/X-Ray/Ultrasound images without the need of an external workstation.

eXceeding Experience

Experience with high productivity

Unique eagle-wing arm with 21.5”/23.8” Full HD monitor

Mindray’s exclusive eagle-wing delivers an unlimited angle floating design for extremely flexible monitor position according to clinical needs.


13.3” ultra-slim multi-gesture touch screen with angle adjustment

Powerful gesture-based operation opens up a new trend in cart-based ultrasound with an agile, smart, and intuitive user experience beyond your expectations.

Clinical Images
  • p25-s7-1

    2D Liver

  • p25-s7-2

    2D Thyroid nodule

  • p25-s7-3

    Neonatal Head Perfusion with HR Flow

  • p25-s7-4


  • p25-s7-5

    Pediatric hydrocephary

  • p25-s7-6

    Renal Perfusion with HR flow

  • p25-s7-7

    Thyroid nodule with HR flow in dual display
